Eastern Narrowmouth Toad (Gastrophryne carolinensis)

Photos by Amanda Hurst unless otherwise noted

Description: Narrowmouth Toads are small, flattened frogs with pointed snouts and a fold of skin across the back of the head. They are typically around 1-1.5 in (2.5-4 cm). Overall color is generally gray to brown but can be extremely variable and can change from day to day or with the mood of an individual. The belly is usually heavily mottled.

Range and Habitat: Eastern Narrowmouth Toads are found throughout the Southeast but are absent from higher elevations of the mountains. They use many types of habitats as long as adequate moisture and shelter are present. They require fishless temporary wetlands to breed.

Habits: Narrowmouth Toads are secretive and are usually found by overturning boards or logs in woodland habitats. They feed on a variety of invertebrates but particularly ants. This species breeds in the summer and adults congregate at temporary water bodies, including large puddles and roadside ditches, to breed on rainy summer nights. Males call with only their snout protruding from the water and are often hard to locate. Eggs float on the surface of the water and tadpoles take 20-70 days to metamorphose.

Call: The call of the narrowmouth toad is a long, nasal, high-pitched “waaaaaaaaaaaaah”.

Conservation Status: Eastern Narrowmouth Toads are abundant and widespread and are not protected in our region.

Account Author: Matthew King, University of Georgia – edited by J.D. Willson, Katrina M. Ford

(Photo by J. D. Willson)

(Photo by J. D. Willson)

(Photo by J. D. Willson)